You have a right to privacy.

Your privacy is under attack! The only search engine that does not record your IP address.

"Victory will never be found by taking the line of least resistance." Winston Churchill

If people no longer expect objectivity from their political and legal systems, then all justice will be reduced to a power struggle between conflicting and irreconcilable perspectives, a struggle in which the most dominant and pervasive bias will replace fair and impartial process as the character of justice. But if objectivity in law and politics is everywhere supplanted by conflict between subjective interests, then the side of economic privilege and established authority will always retain dominance. A society in which people no longer expect representatives of its major institutions even to attempt to render objectivity in their professional demeanours is a society whose major institutions are in a crisis of ethical legitimacy. In such a society, there is wide spread cynicism regarding the possibility of fair political process because it seems impossible that impartial, unbiased dispositions could exist to enact such processes.

Robert Nicholls

Language and Logic

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Economy is a National Security Issue --------------- Industrial Apartied Part 3

A message to all small “c” conservatives, the so-called “free market” neo-liberal ideology that the Conservative establishment is pushing will wipe us out. This ideology if carried to its logical conclusion would allow the Chinese communists to buy out all of our industries.

If the Nexen oil deal angered you, how angry would you be if the communists owned all of our media companies, all of our telecommunications networks, all of our agricultural production capabilities, our banks, our health care delivery mechanisms, our architectural and engineering firms, our public infrastructure and related repair and construction, how about if we started to contract out our military, intelligence or police requirements to foreign state owned corporations. Yes a bit of hyperbole, but consider the implications of a pure “free” market economy with no rules or state intervention.

When the government green lighted all those Chinese miners to come into the country and the controversy erupted, the communists instructed one of miners to speak to our media in defense of the plan. He cited neo-liberal economics in defense of the scheme suggesting in a free market it shouldn’t matter if the workers are Canadian or Chinese the jobs should go to the best workers at the best price. It has even been suggested that Canada does not own the oil, apparently some feel it belongs to corporations.

The communists know full well our politics; they have spent massive amounts of resources to learn how they work. They know how to frame the issues so that they resonate with certain constituencies. The communists would never allow other countries to gain control of strategic industries deemed critical for security reasons, but they have developed a communications strategy to play to the outdated “free enterprise” constituency of Western voters in an attempt to justify imperial expansion.

In George Orwell’s Animal farm (Spoiler alert), a revolution occurs on a farm and a group of pigs takes charge claiming that from then on things would be different. By the end of the book the pigs put on suits and make a deal with the farmers. The book was written as a critique of the Russian revolution. Strangely there is a parallel to the situation Western nations are facing now. These days there are plenty of pigs in suits willing to shake hands with the evil communist emperors they once claimed to protect us from.

State intervention in the economy has been the basis of society since society has existed. Military defense, public infrastructure/ irrigation projects, police, education, health care, scientific research, many good things have been brought to us through government involvement in the economy.

The economy is not monetary figures, not numbers in an equation or on a balance sheet, the economy is what is happening all around us, it is what we occupy our time with. It is the activities that we all engage in and the result of those activities. Long ago on the Nile delta there was no stock exchange and no central bank but there was an economy. There were people growing food, people building infrastructure, people crafting tools and pots, musicians, and yes tax collectors and soldiers and public administrators.

There is confusion in our society, the confused faith that the economy is all about how many 0’s and 1’s of binary code are in configuration on the hard drive at the bank. This confusion is not held by all societies, some societies still remember that an economy is about the physical results achieved in the real world.

While the sale of Nexen, or the AMC movie theater chain takeover, or the construction of telecommunications networks by Huawei may look good on paper, in the real world these actions are acts of self inflicted damage to our economies. We provide resources to our competitors so they can gain experience and knowledge performing the tasks that once would have been reserved to locals. We train our competitors as they gain control over the physical elements of our society, against the warnings of the state security apparatus whose expertise it is to advise us on such matters.

This is why the economy is a matter of national security. National capability is the collective skill set and physical capitol pool available under state authority. We are in effect not separate legal entities because once the state no longer has the capability to defend our claims to “property”, said property will not be ours for long. The ties that bind our communities and institutions enable our existence and prosperity; these ties are bound by the state. If our National capability is degraded to the point where our state no longer posses the viable option of defense, our lands, our women and the blood of our sons will be shed as our sovereignty is traded for the shackles of slavery.

It is against this danger that state intervention in the economy is justified. Action must be taken to ensure that nations maintain the capabilities necessary for their defense in a world of full spectrum warfare. The struggle for this century to this point has been one of intense economic war waged by parties with varying levels of awareness of the dynamics of the conflict.

During the Second World War it was accepted among the Western elite that the state had a responsibility to strategically direct the economy because it was a necessity to winning the conflict. It seems that the young who where indoctrinated during the cold war to reject all things centrally planned as the ways of the enemy took that message to heart and brought it with them all their life to where they are now occupying positions of power.

There are three kinds of people who support neo-liberal “free” market economics, 1) those who stand to personally profit from minimizing state involvement in their business dealings, 2) those who actually believe it, 3) a confused mix of both.

There is no justification for risking a nations security to enhance ones personal wealth, such actions are actions of treason, political subversion through economic means. The communists know full well that the West is full of pigs in suits ready to shake hands with the devil. We have a business class without historical memory, without any frame of reference other than the neo-liberal economic theory indoctrinated into them as pre-requisite to their entry into the upper class.

This is how we have lost our economy, outsourced our future and threatened our national security. A failed process of socialization, in that the young are not given what is needed to maintain a civilization. Greed is no foundation.

Mindless consumers will not save us, so we had better stop producing them. Reform will take a willingness to accept citizen self-government, a feat not possible if citizens are not taught citizenship. Without a classical education ideology will rule, for there will be no way to adapt processes in response a rapidly changing environment. Those who do not adapt will fall to those that can; it is precisely the free market ideology that justifies the land beneath our feet being sold off to the most violent and oppressive foreign power in the world.

We must expand the mandate of our state security apparatuses to include economic affairs. The business class must take its place as servants of a comprehensive state strategy. Power must be wrestled from the grasp of industry and anointed to those who take national security as the highest priority.

This is the recipe for civilizational revival.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Hundreds of Chinese Nationals To Access Sensitive NASA Facility

Hundreds of Chinese Nationals To Access Sensitive NASA Facility

Chinese Flag Raising By The White House - Red China Flag Over Washington

‪State of the Union -- Betrayal‬

Former NASA Langley Research Center contractor arrested by FBI in Va. on plane bound for China

Obama’s Nuclear Weapons Draw-down Could Run Afoul of the Law

Man accused of espionage worked on deterrence, handed over Nuclear Secrets

“Corporations have no consciences, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires. ... [T]hey are not themselves members of ‘We the People’ by whom and for whom our Constitution was established.”

John Paul Stevens, the retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice who authored the words above as part of his dissenting opinion in the infamous Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case.

Democracy Is For People Amendment
Constitutional amendment proposal to end unlimited and undisclosed corporate financing of
American elections.

How the Megabanks Just Played the SEC and Shut Out Their Shareholders

Chamber of Commerce = Communist lobby

Chinese military threat rising: report

DoD: U.S. vulnerable to EMP event

National Security Letters Are Unconstitutional, Federal Judge Rules

For America, Decline is a Choice
“In reality, decline is not a foregone conclusion but a deliberate political choice that builds from a failure to define what matters most to the nation.”

Better Colleges Failing to Lure Talented Poor

China admits to locking radar on Japanese destroyer

Chinese Broadcaster Replays Chinese Military Hacking Clip in Documentary

Chinese leader bolsters Russian ties on first foreign trip

Xi tells China’s military to improve ability to ‘win battles’

'The China Dream' = Worlds Nightmare
" In February’s official journal of the Communist Party Central Committee, an article from the People’s Liberation Army’s General Staff stated: [W]hat determines the political and economic pattern of the world . . . ultimately depends on force.”

That proclamation takes Mao Zedong’s approach to domestic governance and extends it to international relations: “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”  What we are seeing is the militarization of China’s much-touted “peaceful rise” and the end of Deng Xiaoping’s approach: “Hide your capabilities; bide your time.” "

China, Pakistan reach secret nuclear reactor deal for Pakistan

Chinese Lawyer in Exile Denounces ‘Gangsters’ Back Home
"If we only protect property rights, but not human rights, then in the end even the right to private property will have no protections.”

“Your concern is not only helpful to victims in China, but it’s about us rallying together and safeguarding the values of mankind. When these values are recognized by all, only then is it a society in which everyone can live at ease.

Jailed Chinese Democracy Activist’s Health Worsening

New Zealander Describes Ordeals in Chinese Prison

China Probes House Churches in Intelligence Sweep

Monk Who Wrote on Self-immolations Detained

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

92% of Hong Kongers Vote for Return to British Rule

North Korea Threatens Japan with Attack

North Korea threatens nuclear attack on US bases in Asia

Mandarin Need Cited as Feds OK'd 95 Chinese Miners

Mandarin Need Cited as Feds OK'd 95 Chinese Miners

One Brave First Nation Stands up to FIPA

"WE STAND TOGETHER" are First Nations and Canadians supporting each other in a First Nations legal challenge against the Canada China FIPA. Through your donations, we will work to protect the rights of all Canadians.

Northern Gateway panel tangled in complex web of aboriginal rights, title

Enbridge cleanup may cost $1-billion, company warns

VIDEO: Vancouver's Dilbit Dilemma
Is Alberta bitumen as safe to transport as any other crude? Watch this.

UN World Water Day: Canada’s Water at Risk
"Since then, the situation has grown worse with the "Conservatives’" aggressive promotion of the extraction industries, leading to the end of credible environmental assessments, the gutting of the Fisheries Act, and the virtual elimination of the Navigable Waters Protection Act (to push through communist pipelines) – which leaves the great majority of our lakes and rivers vulnerable to development."

Federal budget cuts undermine Environment Canada’s mandate to enforce clean air regulations:  emails

Another Alberta Family Flees Oil Sands Pollution

Outrage About Coal Mountaintop Removal in Tennessee By Chinese Company

Google Explains Why The Future Of Energy Is Green

Servers in Canada linked to FinFisher spyware program
"The discovery of FinFisher servers in countries run by authoritarian governments — such as Turkmenistan and Ethiopia — have raised further questions about the company's practices."

How New ACTA Internet Lockdown Measures Are Coming to Canada
"The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), once believed dead, is back from beyond the grave, and could criminalize and otherwise restrict your use of the Internet by overwriting our copyright rules."

Let's come up with a plan to stop international agreements from restricting Internet freedom
"New Internet restrictions are currently being developed through multiple international "trade" agreements that could significantly restrict and potentially even criminalize your everyday use of the Internet. We know from past campaigns that we win when the Internet community reaches out and engages a critical mass of citizens in the cause."

What the media is missing: Government privacy breaches

Electoral fraud in Canada

Pipeline whistleblower receives national award

What's Holding Back High-Tech Oil Sands Cleanups?

Fish Farm Dangers

Less than half of Liberal supporters register to vote for next leader

BC Has Plenty of Room to Raise Taxes

Friday, March 15, 2013

Canada Should Take Note of India’s Freeze on All Investment Protection Agreements

“Canada Should Take Good Note of India’s Freeze on All Investment Protection Agreements”

OTTAWA – With ratification of the Canada-China Investment Treaty still pending, the Green Party of Canada underscores India’s decision to move away from bilateral investment protection agreements and their investor/state dispute system.

After facing the threat of international arbitration from foreign companies, India has ordered in January 2013 a freeze of all bilateral investment protection agreements negotiations until a governmental review is carried out and completed. Although news of India's decision has not been mentioned in the Canadian media, the decision is clearly relevant.

“In November 2012, Prime Minister Harper told me in the House of Commons that the Indian Prime Minister was committed to signing a foreign investment promotion and protection agreement with Canada. I think Canada should take good note of India’s freeze on all investment protection agreements,” said Green Leader Elizabeth May, Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands.

“The investor/state dispute system contained in investment agreements allows foreign companies to sue Canada outside of Canadian courts. Special arbitrators would take the decisions; their decision cannot be subject to judicial review. And the arbitrations are to be secret. Even the fact they are happening is to be secret,” said May.

“India is joining nations such as Australia and South Africa in saying ‘no’ to investor/state provisions. It’s time for Canada to also turn the page on this out-of-date and undemocratic international trade model,” said May.

Tightening the grip: muzzling of scientists ramps up in Canada

Elizabeth May

Back in October 2011, I wrote in Island Tides about the muzzling of DFO scientists. The scientist in question, Dr Kristi Miller, had achieved levels of scientific respect as her work on viruses linked to salmon aquaculture operations had been published in the internationally prestigious journal Science. When Science attempted to arrange media interviews with Dr Miller, the Privy Council Office ordered her to refuse.

It seems that the public outcry over that event, and others including ozone scientists at Environment Canada, led the Prime Minister’s Office to decide the contractual arrangements with scientists were too lax. As of February 1 this year, new rules were put in place requiring all scientists working on projects in conjunction with DFO in the Central and Arctic Region to treat all information as proprietary to DFO, and—worse—await departmental approval before submitting research to any scientific journals.

The story was broken by veteran journalist Michael Harris, in the online journal iPolitics. Harris has been one of the few journalists willing to dig into the pervasive repression, slashing of science and rejection of evidence based decision-making in Harper’s Ottawa.

The reaction from DFO was swift. It posted this attack on its website:

‘The iPolitics story by Michael Harris published on February 7th, 2013 is untrue. There have been no changes to the Department’s publication policy.’

Harris recounts that he was stunned. He had verified the change with several scientists, external to DFO. He called Dr Jeff Hutchings at Dalhousie University who re-confirmed the changes. Then Harris received support from an unexpected source—an anonymous DFO scientist posted the email from Michelle Wheatley, the Central and Arctic science director, sent out to detail the new publication policy.

The anonymous scientist wrote, ‘Here is the e-mail I got from my division manager on January 29, 2013: ‘Subject: New Publication Review Committee (PRC) Procedures for C&A Science …’. The email was reproduced in full, and began, ‘This message is regarding the new Publication Review Committee procedures for C&A Science…’

The email noted that the new policy was to take effect on February 1, 2013.
The anonymous scientist concluded: ‘You decide who’s being untruthful.’

A few days after DFO tried to deny that there were any changes, the Vancouver Sun broke the story of a US scientist, doing collaborative work with DFO, who is refusing to sign the new conditions. Calling it a ‘potential muzzle,’ Dr Andreas Muenchow, of the University of Delaware told the Sun, ‘I’m not signing it.’ Muenchow has been working on a project with DFO scientists in the Eastern Arctic since 2003.

In 2003, when the collaborative research project began, there were quite different rules about sharing data: ‘Data and any other project-related information shall be freely available to all Parties to this Agreement and may be used, disseminated or published, at any time.’

Within days of February 1st’s new publication policy, on February 7, came another DFO email to scientists: now they must obtain prior consent before applying for research grants.

You can see where this is going. It is not enough to muzzle scientists like Dr Miller when their research is published. The tightening of control over science must be established far earlier in the process. Stop the research from being submitted to journals. Stop the scientists from collaborating with others. Stop scientists from applying for research grants. Stop science from happening at all.

The elimination of whole branches of scientific work within the federal government, the slashing of governmental funds for science, and now a departmental veto on applying for research grants or submitting results to peer reviewed journals fits in the larger systemic dismantling of any aspect of governmental activities that could throw doubt on the wisdom of pressing for rapid expansion of fossil fuel exploitation.

‘Chilling’ is one word, but it does not seem adequate to this development. This is the 21st Century equivalent of the Dark Ages. This is book burning and superstition run rampant. This is the administration of a steady, slow drip of poison to a weakening democracy.

Canada no longer one of top 10 most developed countries: United Nations

What Really Killed Soviet Union? Oil Shock?

Oil Sands Cleanup Opportunity: Pay As You Go

Ask Your Senators and Representative to Support the Democracy Is For People Constitutional Amendment

"U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and U.S. Congressman Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) have introduced a powerful constitutional amendment that would prevent corporations from spending to influence elections and would enable to government to regulate campaign spending from individuals."

New ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ Gives Monsanto Power Over US Government
"Monsanto is at war once again against health conscious consumers with the latest ‘Monsanto Protection Act‘, managing to sneak wording into the latest Senate legislation that would give them blanket immunity from any USDA action regarding the potential dangers of their genetically modified creations while under review."

Vaughn Palmer: How did a $6-million loan to two ex-government aides magically vanish?

Six fired, two lawsuits, one dead — but still no answers

Report details misuse of government resources

CBC balked at running taxpayer funded ads promoting (ruling party) BC budget

Government backs down on controversial forestry bill

‪Nazi Germany vs Communist China‬

Chinese rampage in South Korea hotel against Tibetan for Speaking out

‪納粹德國 vs 共產中國 Nazi Germany vs Communist China‬

Recent cyberattacks part of Chinese military strategy started more than 20 years ago
“Unrestricted Warfare,” detailing a concept they describe as “warfare which transcends all boundaries and limits.”

"We believe that some morning people will awake to discover with surprise that quite a few gentle and kind things have begun to have offensive and lethal characteristics."

"Here are some examples (among many) of the sorts of “unrestricted warfare”: resources warfare (grabbing riches by plundering stores of resources); cultural warfare (leading cultural trends along in order to assimilate those with different views); and international law warfare (seizing the earliest opportunity to set up regulations)…."

By the Chinese definition of "Unrestricted Warfare" it's clear they are waging war on us.

China Hacks India’s Defense Ministry
"Thousands of confidential government files were compromised, such as Indian state security intelligence, and information on surface-to-air missile and radar programs from the Defense Research and Development Laboratory."

Strategic commander worried about cyber attacks on nuclear command and control
"Alexander said he is also worried about the commercial electric power and communications grids as a “source of concern” by foreign powers seeking to conduct cyber attacks against U.S. nuclear forces."

Cyber and nuclear attack greater threat than terrorism ever was
"Asked to imagine a worst-case scenario cyber-attack on the US, General Alexander said a software failure across the US could knock out power networks for an extended period throughout the country, and cause more damage and disruption than the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York."

Chaos from the Sky: Why the EMP Threat Is Real

China plans to send a land survey team to disputed Senkaku Islands

Japan eyes defense ties with Southeast Asia amid Chinese Expansionism

Mainland China military buildup targets Taiwan
"For the past few years, the PLA has been conducting military exercises which focus on the scenario of taking an island should possible military conflict occur, the QDR also said."

Chinese Banks Hide Slush Funds for North Korea’s Kim Jong-un
"Dozens of Chinese bank accounts holding hundreds of millions of dollars have been linked with Kim Jong-un, leader of the communist regime in North Korea."

DNI says new N. Korean missile being fielded

Russian government says N. Korean nuclear test used plutonium and was larger than earlier blasts

China's Drone Swarms Rise

Human rights group names almost 20,000 involved in persecuting Falun Gong
"Falun Gong is a spiritual practice based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. It became a target for persecution in 1999, after former regime leader Jiang Zemin became afraid of how attractive the teachings of Falun Gong were to the Chinese people. Jiang Zemin saw Falun Gong as a challenge to the Party’s attempt to control how people in China think. "

Police and Villagers Clash in Guangdong Land Dispute

Iran and Hezbollah 'have built 50,000-strong force to help Syrian regime', Assad reported to be preparing chemical weapons

Monday, March 11, 2013

China's relentless push to reduce US influence in the Asia-Pacific region

China's relentless push to reduce US influence in the Asia-Pacific region

Chinese military leaders calls for war-readiness in Parliament

China's biggest problem? Too many men

China's nuclear arsenal 'many times larger'

Russians Conduct Huge Nuke Drill

North Korea ends peace pacts with South, Threatens Pre-emptive Nuclear War

India: ‘Be prepared for irrational nuclear war’ – The New Indian Express

U.S. nuclear commander: Sequester may affect readiness in 6 months

The antiquation of America’s nuclear weapons

LYONS: Obama’s dangerous anti-nuclear obsession

Obama rejected tough options for countering Chinese cyber attacks two years ago

Inside the Ring: Asia pivot threatened

China navy seeks to "wear out" Japanese ships in disputed waters

Iran and North Korea Deal to Work Together Includes Nukes

Chinese Missiles Bound for Terrorists Raise Concerns on China

China exports much stronger than expected, imports weak

Obama pushes ahead with export control changes, makes it easier to export sensitive military items to adversaries

The Obama Administration Wants to Sell You a Used Trade Policy

Did Navy make Pearl Harbor mistake again?

Facing the Threat of the Trans-Pacific Treaty

Concerns Grow As Local Police Look More And More Like The Military

Study shows Super PACs made mockery of campaign law

New Treasury Secretary Jack Lew potential Citibank Operative

'Pay-to-Play' Corruption: Chevron, Campaign Contributions and Government Contracts

Police fire teargas on China village after land grab protest

Escape from a Chinese Propaganda Mill!

Canada's Reckless Banks Inflate House Price Bubble

Feds spent $21M of taxpayer money on Economic Action Plan ads in 2011-12: annual report

Oil in Eden: The Battle to Protect Canada's Pacific Coast

Following The 'Foreign Money Trail' on Northern Gateway

Manning to Re-brand Conservatives as Green

Lack of Scientific freedom in Canada

Rule changes threaten Roma refugee claimants, Conservatives discriminate against Roma

News Release — Canada Welcomes Record Number of Immigrants, Visitors and Students from Communist China in 2012

How the Communists plan to absorb Canada

Richmond filling schools with brainwashed mainlanders student exchange program, effort to influence perceptions, feelings, place future operatives on path to influence

No room for Vancouver kids in downtown schools

Departments ignore House of Commons committee's request for documents

Job search shows feds want discreet, consensus-seeking PBO to replace Kevin Page

Why won’t Prime Minister Harper remove Arthur Porter from the Privy Council?

Justin understands you want proportional representation, but you don’t get it.

A short video about our first past the post voting system

What will it take to make a Liberal-NDP deal happen?

Probe Details How Clark, Aides Erased Communications Trail

The Elements of BC Liberal Style

Coal Opponents Forging Cross-border Ties

South of Border, Hot Debate Involves BC Coal Port Plans

Mining worries raised amid celebration of Sacred Headwaters deal

Vancouver resource company defends controversial Greek gold mine project

Greenland warns EU may miss out on its mineral wealth

Space mining could eventually surpass Earth mining, conference hears

Falklands votes in sovereignty referendum rejected by Argentina

A decade after US-led invasion, Kurds look to Turkey, the West, mull future without Iraq

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Why the West is in Decline

Ruins of Detroit. Once the engine of middle class prosperity
Why the West is in Decline.


1. The failure of civilizations is a failure of leadership.

2. Our civilization has failed as evidenced by its wealth being used to build up rivals. Rivals buy control of what used to belong to us with wealth we outsourced to them.

3. Therefore, our selection process does not produce capable leaders.


1. Economic power currently buys political power.

2. Economic power does not = leadership skill.

3. Economic power does not = representation of the national interest.

4. Economic power does not care about national security or sovereignty.


1. Just as there was a separation of Church and State, there now must be a separation of Economic power from Political power.

2. Economic Inequality is much less corrosive to society than Political Inequality.

3. We are facing a crisis that requires the power of the national mind to be harnessed in order to generate as many solutions as possible.

4. Currently, only economic power is allowed representation in politics, to the exclusion of the people. This monopoly on power must be broken.

5. Therefore, money must be removed from politics. Electoral systems must be reformed to regulate the influence of established political parties and eliminate the infrastructure of their campaign war machines. Voting systems should be amended to offer the people real opportunity to participate. Elections should be about ideas, not money.

6. Political parties are a great threat to national security; they put their own interest above that of the nation. We must always be on guard against the political-industrial complex; the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

The decline of the West is systemic. It is not in any one failed policy or leader but a result of an evolved form of organization that has led to a state of constant failure and an inability to adapt to a changing external environment.

If you are living in the West chances are you live under the control of two or more dominant political parties. The existence of more than one party provides you with some protection from human rights abuse because if one party goes to far in its abuse of the people the other party will win the next election. While better than living under one party control, this is still not an ideal system and is not what true democracy looks like.

Political parties are machines that run on money whose objective is to win elections. Messages are tightly controlled, photo-ops carefully choreographed, talking points annoyingly repeated. Entire staffs are hired to develop marketing plans designed to strategize what segments of the market are to be targeted at what time and with what message. The entire political process has become dehumanized. Politics has become big business most likely due to the fact that the cogs who currently occupy the machine share the same trained incapacities of a modern business “education”.

Brand names win elections not ideas. In these modern times no one wins after an election has been held. No one but the powerful interests behind the major political parties and the well-paid shills who occupy the seats once designated for representatives of the people.

Is it any wonder why no one shows up to vote, why no one gets involved? Many know full well how the system works and what reasonable person would want to commit their life to towing the party line. It takes a certain breed of arrogance and incompetence to suckle at the public trough as a career backbencher. It takes another breed of psychopathy to steal from the public as an unelected senator.

They have made the cynical calculation that the people don’t care. That the majority have fallen for the cult of the self and worship materialism, the god of distraction. You must prove them wrong. The public interest will only ever be defended by the public. Therefore, any political system that hopes to serve the public interest must not exclude the great majority of its citizens from participation in the political process.

Political equality is the great equalizer. If we could enact reforms that would break the monopoly of power held by the established parties, then each locality would be free to elect local representatives based on the ideas of the individual candidates. Those representatives would not be constrained by the dictates of the parties. They would be free to actually represent their constituents.

The campaign would not be fought by wealthy organizations in 30-second substance-less ads on national television; it would be fought in the webpages of official party policy documents and in local debates and local speeches among local citizens. The campaign would not be a battle for control of territory but a conversation among neighbors who are concerned about the issues facing them.

The objective would not be party victory; it would be national victory.

The objective would not be party victory; it would be national victory.

The problem we face in modern democracy is a lack of choice. We have major parties that operate within the rigid framework of the modern political-industrial complex. This constrains our decision making process and limits our potential policy options.

Not every citizen has access to a national campaign organization and a state of the art voter database. Does the existence of those privileges justify the monopoly on power enjoyed by those who poses them?

This state of affairs is bringing about our long-term national suicide.

All because those with privilege put the preservation of privilege above the preservation of the nation. This is the definition of globalism; loyalty to wealth, status, and private business venture over loyalty to the continued existence of your sovereign nation. This is the neo-liberal ideology of the global aristocracy.

We are living in a New World Order where national boarders are being replaced with class boarders. One world where the worst aspects of communism and capitalism have combined to create a hybrid monster system of global scope.

If your nation is to survive and not be absorbed into this global feudalism you need to separate economic power from political power. 

-No political advertising permitted, all debate takes place in local forums, local candidates, stick to the issues and no corporate control/sponsorship of the forums

-No campaign staff permitted, no “strategic outreach” teams/ marketing contractors, candidates should be able to stand on their own two feet and speak their truth, candidates should stand amongst each other with political equality, this way the established powers with big campaigns would not monopolize the process, this way decisions would be made based more on policy and less on the ability to get the message out through a national organization, no public relations/ spin doctors 

-No government money used to advertise policies of parties currently in power  

- Limit campaign donations to $20 per citizen per year with no tax deduction given

-No corporate donations, no lobbying, no special access to public officials

-No party control over how representatives choose to vote, all votes = free votes

-Enact a single transferable ballot proportional representation system, whereby parties who only get a minority of the votes do not get 100% power and voters can vote freely based on conscience without being forced into strategic voting

-Bring democracy to the senate, or any other legislative body filled with appointed “representatives”

-Ensure that watchdog organizations are not appointed/ controlled by the people they are supposed to be watching

-Ensure the speaker of the house is non-partisan, is selected either through promotion from within the civil service or elected as an independent

-Increase oversight of the financial affairs of representatives to prevent corruption

-Index the pay and benefits of representatives to the average pay and benefits of the people, give them an incentive to improve things for the country not just the 1%

-Authorize the security services to keep a close eye on representatives to prevent foreign interference in our political affairs

The idea is that if the monopoly on power held by the major parties were broken we would have a much better chance at reversing the decline. As things stand the major parties endorse outsourcing while much of the public does not. There is a fairly commonly held view that we outsourced our economy to China, and if the public were ever allowed a chance to bring the jobs home they would take it.

Take for example the last American election. Both candidates had to say that they were against outsourcing and they would re-negotiate trade agreements as they always say but never do. Americans knew nothing would change but they only had two parties to vote for and both have allowed American industrial capacity to be outsourced over the past 30 years. America did not have a real choice.

Break the old party monopolies, divorce money from power, and we have a chance.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

CBC - Secret document details new Canadian foreign policy

Stephen Harper Trades Canada Away

Secret document details new Canadian foreign policy

" Draft policy calls for closer economic ties 'even where political interests or values may not align' "

Respect for Human Rights Better plan for Trade and Investment: MP Irwin Cotler

12 Reasons Why Globalization Is A Major Problem: Gail Tverberg 


Globalization levels the playing field, in a way that makes it hard for developed countries to compete. A country with a lower cost structure (lower wages and benefits for workers, more inexpensive coal in its energy mix, and more lenient rules on pollution) is able to out-compete a typical OECD country. In the United States, the percentage of US citizen with jobs started dropping about the time China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. - See more at:
Globalization levels the playing field, in a way that makes it hard for developed countries to compete. A country with a lower cost structure (lower wages and benefits for workers, more inexpensive coal in its energy mix, and more lenient rules on pollution) is able to out-compete a typical OECD country. In the United States, the percentage of US citizen with jobs started dropping about the time China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. - See more at:
The failure of one country has the potential to pull many others down, and with it much of the system. - See more at:

CNOOC completes $15.1-billion takeover of Calgary oil and gas producer Nexen

Investigation into massive data breach widens to Justice Department


" Beijing is now a major financial partner in Hollywood, a place where money has always trumped art, let alone truth. Communist China will now take a direct hand in the manufacturing of what American audiences see. "

" The main goal is to desensitize the American people to Communist China's growing military power, outright aggression against its neighbors, and the continuing brutal oppression of its own people. "

" These are also developments which China's smiling Communist elite do not want Americans to think about. We are to think of the Peoples Republic in terms of valuable business partners and graceful practitioners of Tai Chi. "

The Coming Water Wars

Dear Stephen Harper: Tibet is Burning

105th Tibetan Self-Immolates Inside China

"illegal" Student Protests in Montreal

Climate change, urban growth, agriculture driving water study need: report

BC Liberals planned to use gov't resources to win "ethnic" vote 


The 17-page document is a "Multicultural Strategic Outreach Plan" aimed at co-ordinating party, caucus and government resources to "re-engage with ethnic voters and media." It includes plans to work on a media strategy, build a database of contacts and find "quick wins" such as apologizing for past injustices. - See more at:
The 17-page document is a "Multicultural Strategic Outreach Plan" aimed at co-ordinating party, caucus and government resources to "re-engage with ethnic voters and media." It includes plans to work on a media strategy, build a database of contacts and find "quick wins" such as apologizing for past injustices. - See more at:
The 17-page document is a "Multicultural Strategic Outreach Plan" aimed at co-ordinating party, caucus and government resources to "re-engage with ethnic voters and media." It includes plans to work on a media strategy, build a database of contacts and find "quick wins" such as apologizing for past injustices. - See more at:

White House says it will seek "fast-track" trade authority

Ex-security officials press Obama to cancel cuts to nuclear arsenal

Deterrence Works, Argues Top Air Force Official

Big cuts spur calls to Congress from irate constituents

" "They want to kill us all," Senator Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, said of his constituents. "

Obama Officials Refuse to Say if Assassination Power Extends to US Soil

" Since then, the administration – including the president himself and his nominee to lead the CIA, John Brennan – has been repeatedly asked whether this authority extends to US soil, i.e., whether the president has the right to execute US citizens on US soil without charges. In each instance, they have refused to answer. "

The Missing Recovery

" Foreign hires are not additions to the work force, but replacements. The corporations force their American employees to train the foreigners, and then the American employees are discharged. Obviously, if skilled employees were in short supply, they would not be laid off. Moreover, if the skills were in short supply, salaries would be bid up, not down, and the 36% of those who graduated in 2011 with a doctorate degree in engineering would not have been left unemployed. The National Science Foundation’s report, “Doctorate Recipients From U.S. Universities,” says that only 64% of the Ph.D. engineering graduates found a pay check. "

" By focusing on the bottom line at all costs, corporations are destroying the US consumer market. Offshoring jobs reduces labor costs and raises profits, but it also reduces domestic consumer income, thus reducing the domestic market for the corporation’s products. For awhile the reduction in consumer income can be filled by the expansion of consumer debt, but when consumers reach their debt limit sales cannot continue to rise. The consequence of jobs offshoring is the ruination of the domestic consumer market. "

" To sum up, the corporations’ focus on the bottom line has disconnected US incomes from the production of the goods and services that the American people consume, thus weakening and ultimately destroying the domestic consumer market. The Fed’s focus on saving banks, which mindless deregulation allowed to become “too big to fail,” has created a bond market bubble of negative real interest rates and a dollar bubble in which the dollar’s exchange rate has not declined in keeping with the large increase in its supply. Both the corporations and the Fed have created a stock market bubble based on profits obtained from labor arbitrage (the substitution of cheaper foreign labor for US labor) and from banks speculating with the money that the Fed is providing to them.

This situation is untenable. Sooner or later something will pop these bubbles, and the consequences will be horrendous. "

Growth, Debt and Trade

" The current economic model assumes that perpetual growth is possible on our fragile and finite planet. This economic model is dependent on consumption and the waste that accompanies consumption means that most of what we buy is cheap and ends up in our waste streams within six month of purchase. The economy is financed by debt and debt levels are unsustainable and growing. Virtually all levels of government, individuals and families carry too much debt compared to their income.

The globalized economy was made possible by cheap fossil fuels and globalized trade. Fossil fuels are no longer cheap and most countries’ economies are contracting.

BC Greens will work with British Columbians to plan for and transition to an economy based in place and community where trade is local and based in durable goods and services. "

Why It’s Smart to Be Reckless on Wall Street

"Find a best friend at a competing bank or hedge fund and take opposite sides of the same large bet."

China moves mobile missiles near coast amid tensions with Japan over islands

China to intensify Sea patrols

Buchanan: World turns to Nationalism

" How does the Chinese Communist Party justify control of all of China’s institutions today — economic, political, military and cultural?

If Marxism is mocked behind closed doors by a new economic elite and tens of millions of Chinese young, what can cause the nation to continue to respect and obey a Communist Party and its leaders, besides the gun?

The answer of Europe in the 1930s is China’s answer today.

Nationalism, tribalism, patriotic war if necessary, will bring the masses back. If the Chinese nation is being insulted, if ancestral lands are occupied by foreigners as in olden times, the people will rally around a regime that stands up for China. Nationalism will keep Chinese society “under control while you go forward.” "

Tensions rapidly escalating around South China Sea

" China’s assertion that almost all of the South China Sea and adjacent waters are part of its territory seems to be growing more dangerous with each passing week. "

Revanchist China

" Having dominated East and Southeast Asia for all but the last two centuries of the past two millennia, China is chafing at the current US-led regional order of sovereign states, in which even the smallest enjoys the same rights, privileges, and protection as the largest. Modern China has benefited enormously from this arrangement; nonetheless, there is keen resentment that the Chinese civilization-state’s vast achievements over several thousand years offer China no special status.

To a people imbued with a deep sense of superior moral worth, historical achievement, and victimization by foreign powers, this state of affairs is unjust and unnatural. It follows that pulling back from any territorial dispute with smaller and inferior states would be seen as a humiliating defeat, rather than a step toward ensuring long-term regional stability. "

Internet Sleuths Add Evidence to Chinese Military Hacking Accusations

The cacophony of the world

" The information revolution has created a more global, interdependent, and transparent world than ever. But this has led, in turn, to an anxious, Balkan-ising quest for identity. "

China tests Japanese and US patience

" According to Abe, relations between China and Japan have been suffering due to unintended consequences of moves by the Communist Party of China to retain its legitimacy. China’s economic opening led to unequal prosperity, eliminating the Party’s main pillar of support, equality. To counter that, the Chinese government pursued a two-prong strategy of economic growth and patriotism. Economic growth required Beijing to expand its sourcing of commodities, moving China naturally onto the sea. Meanwhile, patriotism, tinged with anti-Japanese teaching, has come to pervade the educational system and society.

Abe argued that China is pursuing a path of coercion or intimidation, particularly in the East and South China seas, as part of its resource-acquisition strategy. Anti-Japanese undercurrents in Chinese society due to the inculcation of patriotism have won domestic support for the assertive Chinese actions. "

Taiwanese Groups Condemn Organ Harvesting in China

" The statement calls for the Chinese regime to release all prisoners of conscience, and requests that the Taiwanese government and other governments implement legislation to prohibit organ transplantation using organs from illicit sources. "

The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking

" The existence of many individual camps and ghettos was previously known only on a fragmented, region-by-region basis. But the researchers, using data from some 400 contributors, have been documenting the entire scale for the first time, studying where they were located, how they were run, and what their purpose was. "

Censoring the Internet a Lucrative Industry in China

" Coming across the message “this page cannot be displayed” while browsing the Internet is a common experience for Chinese netizens, and is often a sign the content was removed by Internet censors. "

Exclusive: China plans bond overhaul to fund $6 trillion urbanization - sources

" The Party aims to bring 400 million people to cities over the next decade as the new leadership of president-in-waiting Xi Jinping and premier-designate Li Keqiang seek to turn China into a wealthy world power with economic growth generated by an affluent consumer class. "

Inside the Ring: Chinese pressure points

South Korea's ongoing security dilemma

Iran's 'Plan B' for a nuclear bomb

Report: North Korean test may mean Iran has a nuclear missile warhead

Syrian strife prompts Israeli rethink on Golan

The Copyright Propaganda Machine Gets a New Agent: Your ISP

" It’s been a long time coming, but the copyright surveillance machine known as the Copyright Alert System (CAS) is finally launching. "

Grassroots Group Hopeful Pro-Privacy MP Borg’s Online Privacy Bill Will Lead to Important Safeguards

Maine setting standard for EMP defense

" Maine’s state legislature is stepping out to confront a problem Washington has been avoiding, taking action to guard the electrical grid system in the state against a natural or man-made electromagnetic pulse attack. "

Monsanto drags over 400 U.S. farmers to court over GM seed patents

U.S. dairy industry petitions FDA to approve aspartame as hidden, unlabeled additive in milk, yogurt, eggnog and cream

China Has Its Own Debt Bomb

Capital Flight from Russia Tells a Tale About Regime Failure

Why the Euro Crisis Isn't Over

Canada’s innovation is lagging

Drug war has become 'slow motion holocaust' says new documentary.

Alberta's Tar Sands Pollution Refugees

Riding official blogs about party corruption 'Why I quit the BC Liberals'

Good Policy = Localize + Sustainability + Security