You have a right to privacy.

Your privacy is under attack! The only search engine that does not record your IP address.

"Victory will never be found by taking the line of least resistance." Winston Churchill

If people no longer expect objectivity from their political and legal systems, then all justice will be reduced to a power struggle between conflicting and irreconcilable perspectives, a struggle in which the most dominant and pervasive bias will replace fair and impartial process as the character of justice. But if objectivity in law and politics is everywhere supplanted by conflict between subjective interests, then the side of economic privilege and established authority will always retain dominance. A society in which people no longer expect representatives of its major institutions even to attempt to render objectivity in their professional demeanours is a society whose major institutions are in a crisis of ethical legitimacy. In such a society, there is wide spread cynicism regarding the possibility of fair political process because it seems impossible that impartial, unbiased dispositions could exist to enact such processes.

Robert Nicholls

Language and Logic

Friday, November 23, 2012

FIPA puts Canadian Parliament, Courts under Chinese Influence

On November 15th, 2012, US-incorporated firm Lone Pine Resources announced its intentions of suing the Government of Canada under the North American Free-Trade Agreement’s infamous Chapter 11.  Over what? Quebec’s decision to impose a moratorium on all oil and gas exploration activities in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence.

By announcing the moratorium, Quebec not only made the right decision (the GPC is the only federal party calling for a moratorium on any oil and gas exploration and/or development in the Gulf of St. Lawrence), but it set the standard for every other province. The decision was made by elected officials and with overwhelming support in the population. Every Quebecer still had the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion in mind. Lone Pine argues the decision was “arbitrary”. I say it was not.

This case should be an eye-opener for Harper’s Conservatives in their zealous promotion of the Canada-China Investment Treaty.Thanks to citizens like you, the Treaty has not yet been ratified. If it were, it would allow Chinese companies (including state-owned enterprises) to sue Canada over decisions that can limit or reduce their expectation of profits. China could claim damages against Canada for decisions at the municipal, provincial, territorial or federal level.  Even decisions of our courts can give rise to damages. 

This is not theoretical. This is happening now with private US corporations. We don’t want to know what would happen if Harper allowed Chinese Communist Party-controlled enterprises this kind of power over our democracy.

I know you already took part in our campaign against the Canada-China Investment Treaty. I invite you to maintain the pressure on Stephen Harper. You can do so by using our new Email Your Friend button on our Action page.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Net Benefit of Liberty

The economics of foreign policy is the ultimate example of the conflict between static and dynamic efficiency. The choice between maximizing short term gain or creating a world where everyone is better off in the long term.
           Foreign Policy is the engagement of the state with the world beyond it's boarders. It's objective is to maximize public good through the cultivation of a habitable international environment. Security is the basis of a habitable environment.
       There is a net benefit resulting from international security. A peace that is based on the principles of human rights and democracy. Political repression is a cost on human society. It deprives us of innovative and capable people. It creates a climate of fear and a culture of apathy. We as a species must end political violence. Intellectuals must be free to devote their energies, time and talents to solving the problems our species faces. The elimination of repression increases public wealth.
       Our democracy, our rights and freedoms must be preserved. They are the foundation of our security. Without these things, our lives can be taken from us at any time for any reason. Our individual security depends on our collective security. Our collective security depends on our collective liberty. Therefore, the strength of democracy is the foundation of our security. Public welfare is maximized in the long term through the reduction of repression and violence, by means of the guarantees to liberty, provided by democratic values.                


Red Dawn - Now Playing Censored Version

The movie that was delayed for two years is finally out, a relief for many even though the version released has been edited to remove all references to china.
Apparently your not allowed to portray china in a negative light anymore in Hollywood.

In a disturbing revelation it has been made public that the much anticipated film Red Dawn is being re-edited to remove all references to China and replace them with North Korea. The censorship is being imposed upon the makers of the film in order to satisfy business interests. The regime in China is bringing Western media further under its control.
This is a blow to all those who believe in personal freedom and human rights.

How an invading army changes from Chinese to North Korean.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chinese Ambasador goes on CBC tells Canadians to "shut up"

"We're not here to grab your resources. We're here to participate."

The most arrogant and insulting ambassador I have ever heard has just told CBC's Even Solomon that Canadians concerned about China's activities in Canada should "shut up".

The standard communist party line told to those deemed enemies of the party. As china becomes more powerful it becomes more aggressive, it no longer has to hide it's intentions of world domination.

They once said "bide your time hide your capabilities" now they simply say "shut up".
We are dealing with the polar opposite of the Dalai Lama, the opposite of Christ.
The party only wants control, and they will unleash violence on Canada if we don't keep on our guard. It's only a matter of time. Vote out any politician who supports them. Vote out Harper.   

It's actually kind of funny, the ambassador does not realize how ridiculous he sounds to us.

In this country trying to push people around makes you look like a fool.
Bullies are not respected, they are reviled.

This is Canada, we don't have to shut up.  We don't care how many guns you have.

Some commenters have said Evan Soloman should have slapped him in the face.
I think the ambassador has just slapped his own face more than anyone else ever could.
Some excerpts from the interview:

"we have achieved a great deal in our political reform, people enjoy total freedom"

"it's a standard agreement, that means that the two countries are mature."

"all this talk about so called security concerns"

"they have to... I think.... shut up"

"It's a cold war mentality"

"thank you by by"

CSIS: China controls Canadian Politicians

CSIS warns of threat of foreign takovers

“When foreign companies with ties to foreign intelligence agencies or hostile governments seek to acquire control over strategic sectors of the Canadian economy it can represent a threat to Canadian security interests.”
"I don’t suppose that many of you have not by now heard of FIPA (Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement), the trade deal between Canada and China Stephen Harper is pushing forward - and I don't suppose that many of you, including me, have a full comprehension of what this will mean to trade, not to mention our economy, resources and environment."
  1. It applies to trade agreements between Canada and China and, thanks to the premier, BC as well.
  2. It is, like NAFTA, a treaty that for practical reasons, is all but unbreakable for 31 years.
  3. It gives China the ability to obtain huge damages if we don’t perform our side of any deal and to sue for them in her own courts
  4. This agreement has not been debated in Parliament nor in the Legislature of BC
  5. It won’t be debated in Parliament or the BC Legislature because both the Prime Minister and Premier Clark don’t think they need the agreement of our legislative bodies
  6. Without any question, this treaty will impact upon the Province of British Columbia and could cost us hundreds of millions of dollars
  7. It seriously compromises the constitutional rights BC has under Section 92 of the Constitution Act (1982)
Stories within stories: Harper,why we must stop the Canada-China FIPA and the deal you still don’t really know about.
“On September 26, 2012 (the day after my Island Tides deadline), with no press release or briefing, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, rose in the House to table a few documents.  It was during a part of every day called “Routine Proceedings.”  The media had sped off for scrums after Question Period.  I was waiting my turn to table petitions.  Maybe another twenty MPs were in the Chamber when Deepak Obhrai tabled a deal with Norway and two with China – the agreement for peaceful use of nuclear energy and the “Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments” (the Canada-China Investment Treaty). “
Vancouver Sun
 Vancouver City staff consulted with Chinese Government over protest ban bylaw
"Why would we consult with them about our bylaw"

Vancouver city staff consulted with the Chinese government over a proposed bylaw that would prevent Falun Gong protesters from erecting billboards and huts in front of its Granville Street consulate, council was told Thursday.
“Playing with the Dragon II – The architects behind Canada’s China Policy.”
 "At this juncture in Canadian history, as our federal government signs what was passed off as a run of the mill trade deal with China that is cloaked in so much secrecy, it brings to mind questions as to the motivation for such a move."
Brought to you in part by the impatient foreign investors at CNOOC Energy Economics Institute
" “It’s the same situation as the leftover single women. … It will be the same for the oil sands, they will be outdated just like unmarried single women,”
~ Chen Weidong, Chief Energy Researcher, speaking at the Canada China Forum for energy and the environment in Beijing, in reference to China’s growing frustration over Canada’s delays in approving takeovers and pipeline infrastructure which would allow China to get at our oil sands crude. "
Chinese Regime’s Tactics to Influence Canadian Officials, Corroborating Fadden’s comments  
"He stated that one of the most effective methods used to develop influence over political leaders is to provide them with all-expenses-paid travel to China and lavish entertainment while they are there."

  "In May this year, media reported [1] [2] that the Mayor of Ottawa, Mr. Larry O’Brien, upon return from a business trip to China, refused to proclaim Falun Dafa Day as he had done in previous years because he said he “made a commitment.” It was construed that he made a commitment to Chinese officials during his trip to China."

"A clear example of the mobilization of students by the Chinese embassy occurred right on Parliament Hill on June 24 during Hu Jintao’s visit to Canada. Students, paid and bussed from different cities, appeared to be holding a welcome activity for the Chinese leader, but actually they were there to target other Canadians."

"  First secretary Liu Shaohua from the education department at the Chinese embassy was caught on tape telling Chinese students that they were going into battle against Canadians who sought to bring awareness to the horrific human rights environment in China during Hu’s visit. Yuan Pinghua, another organizer, continued: “Now in a word this is like waging war, so today we are mobilizing for war, having all of you raise your guard.”
" Tape Reveals Embassy Footing Bill for Hu Jintao’s Welcome Rally "  
“You do not talk about it outside, do not talk about it to anyone, except to people in this circle.” - Liu Shaohua, Chinese Embassy Ottawa."

" “Originally, we did not expect the situation to be so complex,” Liu said. “Falun Gong, Tibetan separatists, Uyghur separatists, democracy people have already moved onto Parliament Hill [...] This is a battle that relates to defending the reputation of our motherland. The embassy and authorities inside China have a very high requirement.” "

“For our country this is such little money. In my view this is a struggle, a political struggle.”

" Liu says when Hu visited in 2005 and was met with protesters, officials in China were furious. He complained that during that visit, Canadian authorities did not co-operate with Chinese demands regarding the protesters, but this time he says there were some limited guarantees. “Some parts cannot be guaranteed because this country is particular about so-called freedom. It does not care. It says, ‘we are a free country.’ So we are still negotiating. Falun Gong has already occupied three locations.” "
 The Photo Harper doesn’t want you to see “At last night’s dinner in Ottawa in honour of President Hu, from left to right, Andre Desmarais, president and co-Chair of the Power Corporation Board of Directors…who has contributed greatly to the strengthening of China-Canada relations, Hu Jintao and the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper.”

"In spite of Globe and Mail hide-the-picture hype, the real story here is how the Canadian government allows the censorship of the out-of-line Chinese Embassy who, at the end of the day, successfully banned the Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty from the coverage of last night’s press conference."

Monday, November 5, 2012

China Investment Vs. Canadian Democracy

The  basic idea is that political repression is a cost on human society. So much human potential lost because some crazy dictator somewhere thought that personal power over human society is worth more than human life. We now have a communist dictatorship expanding it's power over the world.
Under chinese communist rule none of us will be safe. We not only resist for the principals of freedom, democracy and love for one another, we resist for the sake of our very existence.
Canada is a primary target of the regime, they have their sights set on the resources.
Understand that this regime has killed millions of it's own people, they will have no mercy for us.

Harper Government encourages the use of Chinese state owned Huawei technology in Canadian  communications networks.

National security concerns raised over Huawei technology used by Telus, Bell, and Wind.
CBC covered this one. I guess that why Harper hates Canadian Public Television so much.

"Concerns over the use of Chinese company Huawei Technology by Canadian carriers Telus, Bell and WIND, reports the CBC. Van Cleave believes North American security is at risk due to the Harper Government allowing and encouraging the use of Chinese telecommunications technology.
Currently, the LTE networks built up by Telus and Bell utilize Huawei hardware across Canada. WIND’s network was built by Huewei and currently sell their cellphones. Could the use of this technology compromise our national security and allow for spying? Van Cleave believes so, in an interview with the CBC:
Van Cleave says the intelligence community fears digital “back doors” could be hidden in the telecommunications networks, allowing spies to steal American and Canadian secrets and ultimately disrupt everything from public utilities to military operations in the event of international conflict.
It was revealed last month Public Safety Canada warned foreign telecom ownership is a ‘considerable risk’. It was only last year the Federal Government was target in a cyber attack originating from China, that compromised computers within the Finance, Treasury Board and Defence Research departments. The CBC obtained documents that revealed hackers stole large amounts of classified data before the systems were taken offline.

(Did any of you catch the news that for the past 5 years or so Canada has left the door wide open to Chinese cyber attacks. Apparently our cyber security team only works 9 - 5 Ottawa Time. Here's one Link to the National Post coverage. 
"but the centre has yet to operate on a 24/7 basis as originally intended, auditors found. The government has committed to expanding hours of operation to 15 hours a day"
Here's another link, The Canadian Governments 40 hour cyber security work week.
Did you here Vic Toews excuse, technology has changed so fast we can't keep up.
Another link cbc. 

Currently, the U.S. and Australia has barred Huawei from bidding on major telecom contracts in their respective countries, on the notion the Chinese firm poses a potential security threat. Some have accused Huawei of being engaged in espionage for the Chinese government, which the company has denied."

Have you seen this: Canadian and Chinese governments meet in secret, will not spill the details.

Why will the government not tell us what hell is going on.
How many alarm bells need to sound before you realize we are being targeted.
So lets take stock of a few of the the events of this past year,
Harper meets in secret with Communist Propaganda Minister, (Globe and Mail)

Harper government proposes bill for mass warrentless surveillance,

Harper government accused of election irregularities,
"warrant 'huge investigation,' former Harper aide says" (Globe)

Harper Government encourages the use of Chinese state owned Huawei technology in Canadian  communications networks.

Harper Government Signs China trade deal, allowing communist government to sue Canadian taxpayers if we enact legislation the communists feel hurt state owned profits.

Labour group slams mass importation of Chinese workers for B.C. coal mines Vancouver Sun


Keep your eyes open.  And keep coming back to this site. 
I'll have more for you If your ready to listen.